As a MOTHER, you birth the next generation.

You birth potential fathers, husbands, when you have sons.

Are you AWARE that you are a "king-maker"?

And: When you look at your young son — and you look INTO yourself as a Woman — how do you FEEL about YOUR role as a "mother of a king"?

"It is a masculine SON that
'BIRTHS' a feminine MOTHER."*

The credit for this particular language-ing of the deep feminine, belongs to one of my mentors, the mystical muse Gillian Pothier @feminine_eros

How is this TRUE?

You can be a mother, and yet NOT be a feminine mother.

Many mothers become (unconsciously)

controlling, anxiously attached, and disrespectful of the masculine in their SONS.

And because our children are always a MIRROR to us: Who our son becomes is a reflection of the kind of WOMAN that we are.

The “devouring mother” is co-dependent and “consumes” her children, particularly her sons, emotionally and psychologically.

She seeks fulfillment through her children because the feminine mystique has convinced her that her identity is inseparable from her roles as wife and mother.

We have NO right to DISRESPECT the Man that our son is.

We have no EXCUSE to avoid the responsibility of healing our relationship with the masculine. In fact, it is our SPIRITUAL responsibility to do so.

A Feminine Mother is a mother whose ego is not attached to the identity of who she is as the mother of her son, or who she thinks he should be.

Mothers of kings have always known: My son does not belong to ME.

She raises him to LEAVE her, to be a man, to be a future husband, a potential father: A king of his own territory.

She sees him as a Man, long before HE even understands what a man is.

She witnesses him be FORGED by hardship, tests, struggles — and is in approval of it all, though it may torture and stretch her 'uninitiated mother' and be the DEATH of her ego.

As mothers, our BIOLOGY dictates that we will have nervous systems that are attuned to our offspring, be they sons and daughters.

This means that as a mother, it is paramount that you not only be in "right relationship" with your role as a mother, but ALSO with prima materia as a WOMAN, from your biology and your psyche.

Because you cannot STEAL the divine right of your SON to be a MAN that he was born to be.


"Mother of Kings" : A Masterclass Suite for Women Who See the King in their Sons & Raising the Next Generation of MEN

The "Mother of Kings" PILLARS

Mother of Kings comprises four core classes, all around our feminine responsibility as mothers of kings. This is for MOTHERS, but also for women who are on the journey of healing their relationship with the masculine in MEN (including their fathers, family members, spouse, and the collective of men and the masculine). This is a deep SPIRITUAL journey of reconciliation, rememberance and repair between men and women.

Mother of Kings comprises four core classes, all around our feminine responsibility as mothers of kings. Each class will be taught as a LIVE transmission on Zoom. This entire set of 4 classes, will be available for one year for your viewing in your own private portal. You'll also be able to access our private Telegram Group (for 2 months) to ask your questions as you navigate the course.

1) Bio-LOGICAL Masculine and Feminine Principles Between Mothers and SONS (and why we need to RAISE MEN). As females relating to MALES, understanding our biological distinctions and the 'mater-pater'

Biology and complementary, biologically appropriate masculine and feminine (not the 'church complementarian doctrine) Gendered roles and the reality of dynamics in polarity. Conflicts and Germanic new medicine/GHK lens of biology

2) Un-LEARNING Distortions on How to Raise Sons and Daughers (and why we need to APPROVE MALENESS).

A case against 'gentle parenting' and the generally gynocentrically-oriented world of "parenting books" and psychology. Why boys need masculinity, starting at the proverbial "tender" ages. Approval of MALENESS in our men and sons

3) Respecting the Masculine in your SONS (and why this is KEY in each "life stage" of male development, from age 3 to 25)

What is "the masculine"?The archetypal mother-son relationship: From devouring mother to devotional mother. Raising boys to be given over to MEN : from wards to warriors. The "Re-SPECT" Principle

4) Mother & Son Communication: How your LANGUAGE Shapes the Man He Becomes

Speaking life and oracular capacities of the feminine. Biologically-empowering and appropriate feminine communication between mother and sons *(and fathers!)

What is "Mother of Kings"?

"Mother of Kings" is an emerging group program that will first be taught LIVE by Martine De Luna, Certified Transformational Coach and Somatic Practice Facilitator for Women (Wives and Mothers).

How does it work?

"Mother of Kings" will be available as a self-paced 4-session course with access for 1 YEAR. This requires a low 3-figure investment of $275 $179 to attend the class AND get access to it for 1 YEAR. 

Do I have to be a mother?

Mothers (whether married, partnered or single), of course, are going to appreciate this program. However, even if you are NOT YET a mother, this program will help you to INNER-stand the way men and the masculine are "wired": biologically as males, and energetically as masculine-essenced human beings. So if you would like to understand boys, understand men, you will receive immense value from this.

What will I receive?

• A CORE Foundational Set of CLASSES (4 recorded Zoom Lessons with Q&A with Martine De Luna)

1) Bio-LOGICAL Masculine and Feminine Principles Between Mothers and SONS (and why we need to RAISE MEN),
2) Un-LEARNING Distortions on How to Raise Sons and Daughers (and why we need to APPROVE MALENESS),
3) Respecting the Masculine in your SONS (and why this is KEY in each "life stage" of male development, from age 3 to 25).
4) Mother & Son Communication: How your LANGUAGE Shapes the Man He Becomes

• PRACTICAL homework to apply.

• 1 year access to the program materials, available inside your own private portal.

Your Facilitator: Martine De Luna


Hi, I’m Martine De Luna.

I'm a wife of almost 16 years, a mother to a teenage son and a young daughter. I’ve been supporting women and girls through collectives and private conversation spaces, since I was in my early 20s (some 20 years ago). My first experience in facilitating groups was as a Young Ladies’ discipleship group facilitator (in my church community). I’ve also been an English Writing Teacher (I have an associates’ in Journalism), teaching high school students on how write properly-crafted essays and compositions.

All that said, the most fulfilling facilitation role I’ve had is that of a WIFE and a MOTHER to a teenage son and a daughter, which has allowed me in the last 11 years to also SERVE in business as a women’s femininity mentor, through the professions of consulting (personal branding) and Transformational Coaching (in which, I am certified).

My questions help you find Your Answers, and your answers draw you deeper into the meaning of who you are: That you are a Sacred Daughter of God, and that you are Loved. You can learn more about me here: About Martine

Apply for the program below. Applications will be reviewed for acceptance. If you are accepted, we will contact you with the next steps (payment and enrollment).

Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and the educational value they provide. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. When we present revenue and sales figures on our website and our other channels, we are showcasing exceptional results, which do not reflect the average experience. You should not rely on any revenue, sales, or earnings information we present as any kind of promise, guarantee, or expectation of any level of success or earnings. Your results will be determined by a number of factors over which we have no control, such as your financial condition, experiences, skills, level of effort, education, and changes within the market. Running an online business carries risks, and your use of any information contained on this website is as at your own risk.

© Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved MARTINE DE LUNA COACHING