Marriage is a "God-ordained design", from the beginning of time, whether or not you believe in God. Our male and female bodies are the evidence we need to know that we were made for each other. There is a reason why marriage (specifically monogamy) have been how men and women have established realms, since marriage was first recognized over 4,000 years ago. Unfortunately, throughout time (and no thanks to degeneracy), we have forgotten the sacredness of marriage unions and the value of our sexes.
SADLY, in the western and western-influenced world, for the most part, "equality" between the sexes has neutralized men and women with one another. It has affected marriage, in particular, in some of the following ways:
• Marriage has become a "If I am not happy, I can just leave this marriage and get a new one" option.
• Women go into marriage thinking of their needs only (unconsciously), and forget that marriage is a two-way CIRCUITRY of a man and woman vowing to give and receive WITH one another, for life.
• Painful or unsatisfying sex: Some wives experience painful sex, because of distorted views of sexuality from being within purity culture. Some wives experience unsatisfying sex, because of distorted views of sexuality from participating in hookup culture.
• Women don't know how to BE a feminine woman towards their husbands, and end up "neutralizing" marriage, so that they become like roommates with their spouse. They unconsciously act, behave and feel like equals sexually with their husbands, which impacts the very real aspects of marriage: making a home, raising the children, finances, etc.
• More and more wives are on birth control (or were habituated into birth control while single), and are wondering why they are not attracted to their husbands, not attuned to their bodies.
• Some wives have no clue about how pleasure feels in their bodies, because they are disconnected from their own bodies by distorted ideas they picked up from culture, society or religion.
If you are ready to RECEIVE and embody your God-Ordained Feminine Design as a Woman;
If you are DECIDING to transform yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, so you step into life with the faith and certainty to do what is required to create a dating life that you LOVE and is headed towards marriage;
If you DESIRE a marriage where you are ravished by the masculine;
RAVISHED: Whole-ing Your Relationship with God, Husband and The Masculine, is a group mentorship for 12 months. We support YOU in owning the truth of your female Biology and Psychology as God designed it, Through WHOLE-ing Your Perceptions of the Masculine, So You Can Have a Thriving Marriage.
Union: RAVISHED, is for MARRIED WOMEN in all stages of marriage:
* newlyweds,
*married with children,
*married without kids,
*married and in business together,
*married and navigating polarity for the first time
*married and feeling unmet, unseen in marriage
*married and feeling fulfilled, yet desiring growth
When MARRIED WOMEN unconsciously suffer in these ways, they are in unknown dis-connection from their own bodies, and therefore disconnection with LIFE ITSELF.
This is why we need Covenant Union as the foundation of marriage. We need WHOLE masculine & feminine relationships for husbands & wives who are already married, so their marriage can go from good to GROWING better and better.
To be initiated as a wife is both a physical AND spiritual role. It is a feminine journey from just functional roles to embodying your true God-Ordained Design as a Woman of Worth. To be initiated as a feminine being (which is both a physical AND spiritual becoming), is a PATH of re-membering who we are before society, culture, church dogma/religion, told us who we are.
To ravish (verb): To fill (someone) with intense delight; enrapture. "Ravished by a sunny afternoon, she had agreed without even thinking." [Oxford Dictionary]
An ancient text (the Bible) has a beautiful description of what "ravishment" is:
“May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love.”
(Proverbs 5:18-19)
"Ravishment" is the desire of the Feminine Woman to be FILLED BY the Masculine.
Your yearning for a more feminine way of being is natural to you, as a woman. However, you may be experiencing feelings of shame, guilt and unworthiness around your female nature, your desire for your husband, your need for intimacy. These feelings of shame are often from unconscious ideas and perceptions that created your beliefs, such as religious beliefs gone awry, disordered and confusing ideas around relationships and marriage (typically modeled to you by your parents, or by one parent if you were raised in a single parent dynamic).
If you do not first change your PERCEPTION of the most foundational aspects of your life — like GOD, like men, you can NEVER BIRTH a different experience of life, marriage, sex, intimacy, provision and the containment of the Masculine. Ravished helps you to UNLEARN AND RE-MEMBER Who you are as a Devotional Wife. Together, we will identify perceptions that are keeping you in guilt & shame around your feminine desires, support you as you disrupt these notions with new rememberance, and re-align your perceptions around who you are as a married woman, so that you can welcome the DELIGHT of being a wife.
You are a WIFE who is READY TO HEAL her perception of the Masculine
You are a woman of faith in God, but have had some not-rightful ideas about the Masculine [God, men, the masculine principles in life], which have resulted in you fearing and distrusting them.
You are a woman who desires Union with the Masculine in these specific areas: God, to men, and the masculine aspects of life itself.
You want to UNLEARN unhelpful and dogmatic tropes around marriage, sex and sexuality, especially revolving around religion and scare-tactics that shame women
You are deciding to be a MATURE WIFE who is emotionally held, who has invested previously in her own transformation and embodiment, and can receive adjustments and be led by God in the steps forward into a new era of her marriage.
A MATURE FEMININE woman who is ready to move forward from religious/spiritual trauma, and into Feminine Maturity and sovereignty
You are a MARRIED Woman who is also a high-achieving, strong, independent, and empowered woman, and is open to devote to a new way of being, doing, co-creating, and loving that will inspire more intimacy, ease, openness, and trust with the masculine
You are ready to be connected to your WOMB (and be supported in getting off artificial birth control, chemicals and other female-disrupting, matrix-controlled systems of cutting you off from true, biological feminine living and being)
You are grounded and ready to take 100% responsibility for your thoughts, emotions, and actions and sees the value in investing in yourself.
You desire to become embodied in connecting, having communicating from your body (instead of just your head), and being open to see your husband as a lover, provider, warrior and king.
Learn how to quickly and effectively break out of old patterns of thinking and behaving so you avoid getting trapped in frustrating and dis-empowering patterns
Define and start living your most inspiring Feminine & Free life
Surround yourself with other graciously-minded individuals who are committed to living life to the fullest
Be a romancer of feminine living, as you learn to BE in your Feminine Eros and Radiance...
... and so much more!
Are you READY to Receive a Delicious Feminine Way of Living? After a decade of being immersed in training, speaking, and hosting multiple hundreds of group trainings over the years with women, I've chosen to bring the best of these transformational resources together into a program specifically for WOMEN who desire to Embody a "Provided-For Woman" in her marriage.
Martine De Luna is a Wife and Mother, and has also been a women's coach for over a decade — because she has always had a heart for the feminine woman. Working in the realms of teaching as well as in church ministry; eventually being initiated into motherhood and being a 'mompreneur' and mentor to other moms, Martine often witnessed that while women could succeed in business, they could also get trapped in operating like men. She noticed women getting burnt out, hustled out of health, and this affected the dynamics in these women's relationships and marriages. For the last 10 years, Martine devoted herself to her own personal growth, dismantling her own self-destructive beliefs about being a woman, about men, relationships and business, and breaking through in her own life and marriage. She had the support (and continues to have the support) of amazing mentors, like Jenny Fenig, Emmanuel Kerr, Joel Brown, Jeff Slater, Kate Gray, and Mr. Bob Proctor, - along with many others.
Today, Martine is a 3x-certified Transformational Coach for women, and she is also a Feminine Business Consultant who helps women create businesses that they can run from their feminine essence. He has personally coached local celebrities, influencers and high-achievers in various fields, and has chosen to focus on women, wives & husbands, and femininity. She is married to her first love, Ton for 15 years, and they have 2 wonderful children who are home-schooled and thriving. With her own life experience and professional experience, Martine supports clients in realigning their perceptions about life, shifting their internal blocks (paradigms) and re-authoring helpful and powerful beliefs and feminine embodiment, so they can live from their authentic feminine nature.
Our Pillars in this Membership
Learn how to end the cycle of living from distorted perceptions of God, men, and the masculine (which are keeping you "stuck", in your head, and out of your own body). Learn to embody your sacred identity as a Feminine Daughter in God's creational design, no matter your religious lineage.
We will DISRUPT Your Perceptions, emptying them for NEW ways of being:
As you dismantle your unconsciously-chosen perceptions around marriage, intimacy, sex, and all aspects of the Masculine (God, men [your husband], and masculine principles). Disruption feels like facing what you fear to face — and fear is a portal to you experiencing true, feminine freedom to be a while woman.
We PRACTICE the Devotion of Living as a FEMININE WOMAN, from a New Embodiment of 'SEEING the MAN and the Masculine' In your HUSBAND:
Learn to commit to marriage within you — not what femininity content out there is telling you, too — own it, release your judgment around it, and step into your feminine creational energy of life. Embody new ways of being wifely, without the attachment to your former stories, dogma, and dis-embodied identity.
+ One season inside RAVISHED (Length 3 Months) with the option to upgrade to 12 months inside the RAVISHED Membership, and access to ALL the MARRIAGE courses inside the RAVISHED membership
+Access to Zoom meetings, mentorship and Telegram support.
+Bi-monthly coaching calls that run for approx. 90 minutes. There are 2 calls per month (except for certain weeks when we have restorative practices, personal time away, etc).
+ To help you practice embodiment and integration, you are taught specific DEVOTIONS and PRACTICES in being a woman. These are meant to support you in integrating teaching and coaching.
+ You will receive access to audios to soften your body, as well as help you descend from your mind.
+ You will get replays of all calls.
+ ** You will have the option to Upgrade for 1:1 Spots with me for 6 months** (Maximum of 3 women only.)
+**ACCESS to the following Courses (TOTAL VALUE $3000):
Mother of Kings (Raising Sons Biologicially),
Mother of Queens (Raising Daughters Biologically),
Willingly Claimed: Healing Your Relationship with MALENESS (5-month course),
Ravished Devotions (The Ravished Pillar Teachings 2022-2024)
Any wounds you have around accountability, being "held" in a frame/container with other women;
Facing the COSTS of staying in your old beliefs and patterns;
Taking feminine responsibility and trusting in the nonlinear path of feminine embodiment;
De-armoring your womb, your body, and your energetic masculine protective shield;
Your capacity to receive whatever financial provisions required to invest in this program. (This is a low 4-figure investment in US dollars.)
How uncomfortable will I have to get?
In my experience, the most uncomfortable thing for many people is to stop doing what they have always done. You will get to choose how uncomfortable you get however it's important to remember that to get new results, we must be willing to do new things.
How many people will be in the group?
We have about 30 women at a time, in a group setting on Zoom; however the calls are scheduled to factor in different timezones in the United States, Europe, Australia and Asia.
I have religious beliefs; how can I be sure this won't go against them?
I personally am a person of faith, too. (Personally; I believe in Jesus Christ and follow the Way He exemplified.) My teachings are grounded, non-esoteric, and non-New Age or humanist in their approach to transformation and shifting of beliefs. I work with empirical evidence and research, with the relaxation of the body while being fully awake and alert, and with practical application of femininity arts that relate to etiquette, decorum and social graces in different cultures. I do not touch on any religious doctrine, though those who are of Christian persuasion may appreciate and recognize my reference to God as being the God of Jesus Christ (that is, God as Father). Even if one does not believe in God, the teaching of the relationship between Male & Female, can be appreciated through one's faith and belief in God.
Will the calls be recorded?
Absolutely! All the calls will be stored on a private membership site for you along with any worksheet. You will have access to these calls indefinitely.
Can I get a payment plan or a refund?
Yes, you may arrange for a payment plan. If in the very unlikely event you did not experience any kind of personal growth, mindset or embodiment shifts with this program, I will happily return your full investment once you have fully completed a RAVISHED 4-month program in full, and remove your access to the course materials, the calls and the Facebook Group.
How do we meet?
RAVISHED meets 2x times monthly in Zoom sessions with Martine. The times change based on when the ladies are able to meet, but the calls are typically between Monday to Friday at 5PM PST (for those in the USA), and 10AM Saturdays (for those in Central Europe)
What happens during a call?
The Zoom calls will be a combination of lessons and hot-seat coaching. Hot-seat coaching means Martine will be able to take questions during the call, for on-the-spot coaching. Lessons mean Martine will be teaching you principles of masculine and feminine, male and female differences in nature and behavior, marriage as an emotional, legal, spiritual union, etc. On certain calls, Martine will include a Guest Mentor: A woman, or man, who is a practitioner in these realms of relationship, polarity, femininity, marriage, etc.
What are the PURSUED PRICES for joining?
1. One Year Membership: $91/Month for 12 months (no skipping payments)
Access to ALL coaching calls
Access to replays
Access to the RAVISHED Portal of courses, lessons, videos, guest teachers, embodiment practices
Access to the RAVISHED Telegram Community, wherein to ask questions about the lessons, the course, the teachings, etc.
2. 6-Month Membership: $120/ Month for 6 months (no skipping payments)
Access to ALL coaching calls
Access to replays
Access to the RAVISHED Portal of courses, lessons, videos, guest teachers, embodiment practices
Access to the RAVISHED Telegram Community, wherein to ask questions about the lessons, the course, the teachings, etc.
3.Full Pay: $1200 full year (best value)
Access to Martine 1:1, for one (1) session consultation, anytime before, during RAVISHED
Access to ALL coaching calls
Access to replays
Access to the RAVISHED Portal of courses, lessons, videos, guest teachers, embodiment practices
Access to the RAVISHED Telegram Community, wherein to ask questions about the lessons, the course, the teachings, etc.
How do the COACHING CALLS work? When do we meet if we're in all parts of the world?
PURSUED Live Cohort meets inside Zoom sessions with Martine, except during holiday weeks and declared breaks within the cohort. In the weeks between calls, you are encouraged to practice integrating what you are receiving in the calls and in the trainings, and engage in the Telegram Support Council that is available to all of you in PURSUED.
Martine resides in Southeast Asia, and her calls revolve around her time as a devoted Wife & Mother. Therefore, calls are in certain times that serve this her main ministry AND, in times that serve the "international flavor" of her clients.
• For USA and Australia: MONDAYS, at 5PM Pacific Standard Time - USA/TUESDAY, 8AM Western Australian Time
• For Europe: Usually scheduled FRIDAYS or SATURDAYS, 5PM or 9AM Central Europe Time. Dates TBD, based on the number of ladies joined from Europe.
What happens during a call?
The Zoom calls will be a combination of lessons and hot-seat coaching. Hot-seat coaching means Martine will be able to take questions during the call, for on the spot coaching.
What else is provided aside from the calls?
You will have “devotions” (what Martine calls ‘homework’ and integration work), to be done optionally (for the most transformation), each week.
If you can’t make a call, all replays will be provided, inside our private RAVISHED portal.
You will have a Telegram Group for questions and access to Martine and to commune with other members.
What should I know before committing?
Before committing, you should be truly desirous to “learn how to unlearn” the paradigms of unconsciously-adopted perceptions of men, marriage, sex in marriage, intimacy, and embrace a new way of living as a woman. You are ready to change, and you are done with excuses to stay in the same patterns and perceptions. (The price is simply the way to get into the environment of unlearning, with a guide to support you.)
Can I get a payment plan ?
Yes, you may arrange for a payment plan, for 12 months.
What are the RAVISHED PRICES for joining?
Full Pay: Ravished full PAY: $899
Monthly Pay: $89/Month for 12 months (no skipping payments)
Access to ALL coaching calls for one year from your payment
Access to replaysAccess to the RAVISHED Portal of courses, lessons, videos, guest teachers, embodiment practices
Access to the RAVISHED Telegram Community, wherein to ask questions about the lessons, the course, the teachings, etc.
What if I don’t have money for this?
This is a mentorship and an "energetic exchange" of time and services, for your support and When we are truly in alignment with our purpose, we are always provided for. The means for us is always found.
[This is one of my beliefs that I have always carried with me. When I wanted to become a certified coach, I found the means by selling second hand goods online to cover the cost of the program. I had reached out to family and friends asking if they had anything I could do for them to earn the money; I created workshops and sold them; I leveraged my good relationship with my local bank; I did what was required for me to receive.] It all worked out and everything in my life always has in this way. It will for you too, when you have the faith and confidence to simply ASK!
Ask GOD for what you want.
Ask friends and family to support you in the decision. Ask your partner and children to be by your side to support you in having what you desire.
Ask us to negotiate a payment plan for you, that you can commit to.
A way is always found!
Please know that results vary from person to person. While MARTINE DE LUNA draws from her own training, personal knowledge and experience to best support clients, it is up to you how you choose to use the tools, ideas and strategies to produce results. All products and services offered by MARTINE DE LUNA are for educational and informational purposes only. None of our programs, any the websites, or any of our content or curriculum produced under MARTINE DE LUNA'S name is a promise or guarantee of future results. We do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice.
MARTINE DE LUNA has taken every effort to ensure that she accurately represents her programs and their ability to impact your life. However, MARTINE DE LUNA does not guarantee that you will experience results in any specific time-frame or that your physical, mental, psychological, or emotional well-being will be immediately or drastically impacted or improved.
MARTINE DE LUNA does not claim to diagnose or treat any specific conditions. Copyright ©2023 Martine De Luna, Transformational Coach
Copyright ©2023 Martine De Luna, Transformational Coach.
© Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved MARTINE DE LUNA COACHING