Receiving the Masculine is the First Key to “Unlock” the Receiving of MEN Who Cherish a Woman

Hi, love!

You’re here because you’ve likely asked one of these common questions I get in my DMs like,

"How can I be more feminine, so that I can get a masculine partner?"

"I have a higher sex drive than my partner; how do I make it so that he has a higher one?"

"I want to have a man who provides for me, who protects me, how can I make this happen?"

Notice how these questions are all coming from a masculine type of energy, rather that from a feminine embodied energy?

The words like "get" and "make it" and "make it happen" can all come from a place where a woman is lacking in trust, healing and surrender.

How can we instead, approach these concerns from a feminine disposition?

This is why in my approach with my clients and with my group programs, I always make a disctinction between "femininity" and "the feminine."

See, most women who are "looking for a man" are doing so from a tendency to control things, rather than receive and be her the embodied essence of the feminine.

We see this is evident, when we go into femininity space on Instagram and on social media, and see the sheer amount of "strategies" and "tips & tricks" for women and femininity, whether a woman is married or single.

Why is this?

Why are women drawn to “getting” when natively — in our DNA, in fact — we are wired for “receiving”?

What is receiving, really? And why are women struggling with it?

What if we are "looking for" from an energy of distrust and disconnection to our true feminine essence?

This is that energy that women put out that actually repels men, because these women appear —

too eager, or even dogmatic;too concerned with "getting their femininity correct"too self-absorbed in being correct about femininity...


a woman who embodies true female nature (not put-on softness)**;a woman whose being radiates trust and wholeness (because she's connected to God as the first Masculine presence and person)**;a woman whose presence feels soothing and non-judgmental (because she is so rooted in the Masculine, that her feminine traits are just naturally activated**

** and these same traits can be said for women who are single or married!

Instead of asking these questions (which are all coming from a masculine channel within women, BTW), I encourage women to instead focus on being the woman God designed all women to be, if they choose it.

This is what I bring women in to sit with and be with, and deepen into…

in this free, 5-day masterclass, which is yours for free (yes; simply receive it).

You can view the class, by submitting your best email to us here (and we will send you the link to that free class):

After you submit your email, please check your inbox for an email with the link to the free class.

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